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SAITH THE LORD             

    This chapbook includes the original story which became THE LAST PIN, before it was edited into final form. 

    When F&B released the Limited edition of the THE LAST PIN, we included in the slip case a matching copy of SAITH THE LORD, including editor Dwayne Olson’s notes and selection of Wandrei photographs, another Howard Wandrei story, and “In his own words” --biographic notes from Wandrei himself.

    This little book is the original alternate printing of that chapbook, in a variant “glossy” cover material, but otherwise identical to our initially released version. We decided that the cover material for the Limited had to match the book, so these chapbooks were set aside. With our re-organization, they have emerged from storage and are now available for sale.

    The Limiteds are long gone, but now you can “upgrade” your trade edition by adding SAITH THE LORD alongside it on your bookshelf! It's an interesting thing to contemplate: You get to see how Howard wrote the story, and then compare and contrast to understand what the editor of the magazine thought was best. Decide for yourself... in addition to reading the additional story and Olson's historical insights.

Only $5

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