FANDEMONIUM-- Return to conventions

FANDEMONIUM-- Return to conventions

 Fedogan and Bremer hasn't had Convention "presence" in years, and with the death of Philip Rahman, it seemed doubtful that there would be much of that sort of thing in our future.

But.... Here we are in 2012, with folks willing to "split" a vendor table at newer convention sites: at GoddessFest (Boise) last weekend, and FanDemonium (Idaho Center) next.

Vintaged Faery will be showcasing our in-print books, plus some rarities such as signed trade books and the few copies of out-of-print titles we found in our warehouse re-organization. Many thanks to Amanda Fitch for helping out with this effort.

The opportunity to reach out and have our work seen by a new generation gives renewed optimism that F&B will have a bright future. FanDemonium is heavy on CosPlay, gaming, etc, but clearly has a lot of literary horror emphasis as well.